Common spider found in houses (daddy long legs)

There are many species which live around us ,some small some big .But we know very less about them .So let's know about one of them today .
                                                            Pholcus phalangioides

P. phalangioides is also called long bodied cellar spider is comes under family pholcidae and is also known as skull spider due to its resemblance with human skull. Its also called daddy long leg because of their long arms .

They normally live in house ceilings,corners of room,garages, caves and you can easily find them in your houses .

Females are bigger about 9 mm and males are smaller.
They are very beneficial for us as they eat small insects and mosquitoes and they also eat another poisonous spiders and insects bigger then them .

Venomous or not?
It is not very poisonous spider and its venom has low effect on insects .it can penetrate human skin but not at all poisonous ,a little burning can cause if it bite but not to worry if you are interested do observe them and know more about this beautiful creatures without harming it .

 There behaviour is not aggressive if it feels unsafe it starts shaking it's web when something come near it .It catch it's prey and cover it all with silk and when the prey got dead it just suck it's juice .

There breeding season in between June to September they hold there eggs in there pedipalps when they hatch they scatter across web 
 Female pholcus with offsprings 
 Hatched eggshells 
Hatched eggshells

                 Thankyou !


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