Oriental Garden lizard

Calotes versicolor

Oriental garden lizard ( calotes vesicolor ) are common lizards found in forests and house backyards .They are called by various names as eastern garden lizard ,changeable lizard ,bloodsucker lizards .They are called bloodsucker due to their  red coloured heads.
                            Male garden lizard 


These lizards are agamid lizards.They are 15 to 20 cm long .Males are slightly bigger than females .They have spines on their body from their head to tail.They are of different colours mud brown to dark grey, greenish black or they can change their body colour according to situation .Males get red orange colour during breeding season.
They eat insects , ants and other lizards .
They are not harmfull to humans .
They shed their skin as other reptiles.


Males change their colour during their breeding season. They do pushups to show their power and area and to impress female they fight with other male and show their bright colours .
Female lay eggs in hollow of trees and in soil.The egg appear in about 8 to 9 months.

                            A juvenile lizard
                      Thankyou !!
To know about difference in colour changing of garden lizard and chameleon please see my next blog .
